The Perfect Book

The Perfect Book is, well, perfect. And as The Perfect Book, it must be read perfectly. That means there are a lot of important rules to follow because we all know that making a mistake would be terrible and horrible and embarrassing. Making a mistake would be the END OF THE WORLD. Unless, just maybe, it wouldn’t?

Engaging in this project was a fascinating experience—a book that literally speaks about itself. It challenges readers to navigate through its pages, encouraging them to read right-to-left, turn it upside down, and even flip to the back of the book. Authored by the incredible Paige Feurer, this marks our third collaboration, and we’re eagerly seeking a publisher or representation.

The creative process was a blast, as I melded 3D modeling and rendering with my customary 2D illustration style. The result is a visually dynamic and interactive book that I’m excited to share with the world. Here’s to hoping it finds its perfect home soon!